
May 13, 2010

What THE F* are these?

Pants-shorts fusion?! Bernard Willhelm Spring 2010 RTW. Horror.Pants-shoes fusion?! Converse Extension 1 lace-up shoe pants designed by Dutch fashion designer, Daryl van Wouw as part of a special project for the virtual shoe museum. Again. Horror.
How can someone create such things? I've always hated the combination of various clothing pieces. It's either a shoe. Or a pair of pants. Either shorts. Or long pants. Not both combined. No. Way. And I also strongly dislike those T-shirts with vests or scarves painted/printed on them.

The real thing would look so much better! So you 'amazing' designers, please, stop combining and mixing and merging separate ideas into one. Just do a shirt and do it good. It will sell a lot more than these idiotic fusions.


Alex said...

hahaa omg I'm scared!

V said...

pants-shorts fusion is fun i think.

Platform P said...

Hahaha, I saw those converse trousers and thought in some way they were freakishly cool, lol.

Obviously not on me.
